Weight Check-in: 14.6 POUNDS!!
Length: 24 1/4 inches
Our healthy baby boy is in the 95 percentile of weight, up from being in the 55 percentile at four days old. Doctor said he's doing fabulous.
May 11th: Esteban's pediatrician gives him a thorough examination.
May 11th: Esteban gets his very FIRST vaccination. He did very well . . . he didn't cry, but his parents came very close to it! The nurse placed a "conejito" band-aid on Baby Cornejo's thigh . . . love it!
With Esteban's recent weight gain, he has now outgrown Pampers Swaddlers New Baby Size 1-2! We checked his temperature today with a thermometer-pacifier and he LOVED the pacifier. We have not introduced him to a pacifier.